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News & Events 

September 2021

Wellbeing Day - Hulme Garden Community Centre, Sept 2021

A massive thank you to Carmel Murphy-Elliott who organised and led a wonderful event for the trainees' wellbeing session. Held at Hulme's Garden Community centre, our trainees were shown the '5 aspects of wellbeing'. A system that provides the tools and strategies to prevent burnout (while also mindfully acknowledging the signs of burnout before it happens). 

Watch the video to get an inside scope of the day!



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The Annual Review 2020-2021 is here!

The Annual Review 2020 - 2021, is the evaluation of the overall programme based on the feedback provided by the GP trainees. This report is a vital part to the evolution of the programme and it's aim in improving the lives of the deprived community as well as the wellbeing of the GP workforce.

Trainees have a expressed some great ideas for the next terms teaching, one of which involves a Traveller & Gypsy session. The plan will focus on shedding light to the difficulties and inequalities this community faces.

Click here to read the full review


Publication of Tackling Causes and Consequences of Health Inequalities, Feb 2020

GP trainer and educator on our programme, Dr James Matheson is an editor on the new practical guide to working in areas of deprivation. Aimed at doctors and their wider multidisciplinary teams, this book provides key knowledge and practical advice on how to address the causes and consequences of health inequalities to achieve better outcomes for patients. Click here to buy an edition!



GM Deprivation GPST has started! (Feb 2019)

We have seen the first cohort of ST trainees beginning their journey with us on the GM Deprivation ST Programme. It has been exciting meeting them, hearing their hopes and dreams for their training and General Practice careers.

Since we have started, there has been some excellent teaching. We have heard from Dr Austin O’Carroll, who leads the pioneering North Dublin GPST programme, on stigma; and Dr Ruth Thompson, from Urban Village Medical Practice, on Adverse Childhood Events.


We have also covered topics such as respiratory medicine, cardiovascular medicine and how to navigate the portfolio. It has been great to hear from some experts in their fields, and to learn together.

We are looking forward to the term ahead, getting to know each other better and continuing to learn and develop as GP trainees.

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