When do our programme teaching sessions occur?
Trainees on the GM Deprivation programme are given a half day release to attend teaching on a weekly basis. This occurs every Thursday from 1:30pm - 5pm (unless they have been informed otherwise).
Teaching is typically located at The Strand Community Hub, 17 The Strand, Rochdale OL11 2JG. However, occasional sessions may be hosted online or at a different venue entirely. Trainees will receive a timetable of their structured sessions at the beginning of term and any changes to the timetable will be notified via email.
Are the teaching sessions a mandatory ?

Yes; all teaching sessions are compulsory and an essential part of GP training. Under exceptional circumstances trainees can be excused from the sessions. These circumstances are:
Annual leave
Sick leave
Paternity leave
Night shift

Who do I contact if I am unable to attend the session?
You must contact Ischia (ischia.wisemartin@sharedhealth.org.uk) for any reasons why you are unable to attend a session. All sessions are mandatory, but exceptions will be made for annual, sick, maternity, and paternity, zero-hour days and night shift rotations.
A record of trainees' total attendance throughout the term will be recorded on their portfolio, prior to their ARCP panel date.
How do the structured teaching sessions differ from any other GPST teaching sessions?

The sessions follow the RCGP curriculum but every session will gravitate towards an angle of deprivation, exploring the wider determinants of the whole patient (as well as their medical conditions) and how health inequalities impact the patient's health. The sessions will help you to develop the necessary skills, knowledge and expertise to practice in a deprived community that cannot be replicated through non-deprivation-focused teaching. Additionally, the wellbeing of general practitioners is at the heart of the programme and trainees will be taught ways to improve their resilience.
What happens if someone is on zero day like post nights? Do they still attend structured teaching?

No; on these days trainees are not required to attend teaching as this should be their day of rest, though trainees are free to attend should they wish to.
Is there any possibility to attend teaching remotely, like on zero
days if someone does not want to miss out on an interesting session?

Unless already arranged, all sessions will be held in person. However, if you’re unable to attend a session, you will be advised to contact your Training Programme Director (TPD). All presentations and other resources used from the missed sessions
will be circulated via email to all trainees.

What do we do when
teaching is not on?
When teaching is not on, ST1s are required to return to their placement duties until teaching commences. ST2s and ST3s however, can continue their private educational study or opt to take on any placement duties that will contribute towards their learning.
This should be discussed with your Educational Supervisor.

What do I do if my on-call
rota prevents me from
attending the teaching sessions?
Approximately 112 hours for the whole year, however, attending less than that for the whole year is to be expected as exceptions will be given to only requesting leave or are on an on-call rota, annual leave, sick leave or maternity and/or paternity leave. Please note however, that it is the responsibility of the trainee to ensure that they do not miss more than 70% of sessions per term (Aug - Feb term 1; Feb - Aug term 2) for ST2s and ST3s and 60% for ST1s.
Can I provide any input on what can be taught for future sessions?

Yes; near the end of every term you will be given opportunities (via online questionnaires and group discussions) to provide feedback on the sessions and note down any topics you feel will be relevant for your training.

If I do decide to attend teaching during my zero hours, can I claim this back in lieu?
Yes, if you decide to attend teaching during your zero hour days, you will be entitled to claim these hours back in lieu. In order to achieve this, trainees must request permission from their Rota Coordinator and provide proof of attendance.

How many teaching hours are to be completed in one year?
Approximately 112 hours for the whole year, however, attending less than that for the whole year is to be expected as exceptions will be given to only requesting leave or are on an on-call rota, annual leave, sick leave or maternity and/or paternity leave. Please note however, that it is the responsibility of the trainee to ensure that they do not miss more than 70% of sessions per term (Aug - Feb term 1; Feb - Aug term 2) for ST2s and ST3s and 60% for ST1s.
Do I need to claim any private study leave when structured teaching is not on?

All ST1s looking for private study leave must claim this via their study leave application process. The maximum number of days trainees are entitled to is 3 days of private study. To apply for study leave please use
the Accent Leave Manager.
Who will be leading the structured teaching sessions?

TPD Dr Andrew Elliott and PCME (Primary Care Medical Educator) Dr Farvah Javed will be facilitating and organising all teaching sessions
throughout the 3 years of training.

When and what are the wellbeing sessions?
The wellbeing sessions, led by a wellbeing practitioner are opportunities that aid to a healthy work/life balance, stress management and promote overall good mental health and resilience in the workplace. The sessions are held twice per year and will take place at a different venue that has been carefully chosen for the session. Previous locations were typically held in a natural scenic environment.