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Fourteenfish is the platform which holds the Trainee Portfolio.


At the beginning of GP specialty training, after having registered with the RCGP, each trainee will be given access to the Trainee Portfolio. The Trainee Portfolio is accessed and updated online during the entire training programme, in both hospital and primary care posts. The Trainee Portfolio holds details of the RCGP examinations, documents evidence of WPBA, and is used by the trainee to create a record of their learning.


Features of the Trainee Portfolio


The Trainee Portfolio includes places to record tutorials, formal educational sessions and procedural skills. It allows trainee to write log entries and send WPBA invitations to the assessors. Many workplace based assessments can be completed online without the contributor having to log in to the Portfolio. 


Exams, WPBA and CCT


AKT, CSA and RCA results are published through the Trainee Portfolio. The Trainee Portfolio will also carry the evidence that is considered at interim and final reviews. Trainees who pass WPBA at final review and also have a pass in AKT and CSA or RCA will be eligible to apply for a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT), inclusion in the General Medical Council’s GP Register, and membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners.


A trainee’s application for a CCT is sent to the GP Specialist Applications team via the Portfolio. This will happen once the final ARCP outcome has been given by the deanery and the trainee has clicked the 'apply' button that will appear in their Portfolio.


GP Trainee Timeline
























































More information, including video walkthroughs can be found here. 




Ischia administrates the Fourteenfish system for our programme. Contact her on if you are having any issues. Support can also be found via 


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