Funding for health. Accountable to parliament for health and social care.
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. The current government would like more power over NHS England (2/21).
Funding for local authorities. Accountable to Parliament for overall funding of local authorities.
Responsible for overseeing commissioning and NHS foundation trusts, NHS trusts and independent providers—you can think of this as NHS HQ!
Information, data and IT systems.
Regulates health and social care providers. Monitors and inspects services.
Provides national guidance and advice to improve healthcare.
Manage the UK medical register.
Leadership and oversight of workforce planning, education and training.
Protects and promotes the interest of patients and the public in health research.
Central services for NHS bodies, patients and the public e.g. pensions
Manages supply of donated blood, organs and tissues.
Manages negligence and other claims against NHS.
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). Regulates medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK.
Identifies and investigates fraud and other economic crime within the NHS and related agencies.
This new organisation will replace Public Health England but focus solely on health protection from external threats such as biological weapons and pandemics.
There will no longer be a body
for prevention.